Welcome to Pattyland!

About me: Hi. Once again, welcome to Pattyland. I am Patty, the manager.
I am passionate about lists, baking bread, cooking with okra, candles, and multisyllabic words.
I would like to explicitly note that although I have never baked bread, I feel
like it is something I will, one day, be both good at and do often.
Here on my homepage you will find more information about me, as is expected.
Come, gather round.
Please enjoy, and feel free to sign the guest book on your way out. guest book under construction.

Things I've Created Which Happen To Be On The World Wide Web:

Click here to hear: some songs I've made for you
daisey daisey daisey daisey Take a walk through my beautiful Magic Gardens daisey daisey daisey daisey
Enjoy my community, Making Pickles, for those of you who love making and eating pickles

Some of My Recent Projects:

Things About Me: